Team Sonic
Speed: Sonic the Hedgehog
Flight: Miles "Tails" Prower
Power: Knuckles the Echidna
Team Sonic is the title team of Sonic Heroes. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles receive a letter from Doctor Eggman telling them of a new ultimate weapon that will be ready within three days, challenging them to stop him. Having had the most experience in defeating Eggman's plans, the three heroes band together once again to foil Eggman's plans. This team and associated levels are designed to be of medium difficulty, and contain high-speed sections.
Team Dark
Flight: Miles "Tails" Prower
Power: Knuckles the Echidna
Team Sonic is the title team of Sonic Heroes. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles receive a letter from Doctor Eggman telling them of a new ultimate weapon that will be ready within three days, challenging them to stop him. Having had the most experience in defeating Eggman's plans, the three heroes band together once again to foil Eggman's plans. This team and associated levels are designed to be of medium difficulty, and contain high-speed sections.
Team Dark
Speed: Shadow the Hedgehog
Flight: Rouge the Bat
Power: E-123 Omega
Rouge sneaks into one of Eggman's bases after hearing that Doctor Eggman is accumulating valuable treasures. Instead, she finds Shadow the Hedgehog, thought to be dead, encased in a capsule and without memory of who he is. Also locked in the same chamber is a robot, E-123 Omega, who, angered on his confinement, is bent on destroying Eggman's robots to prove his power. Realizing that all their problems lead to Eggman, the three antiheroes team up. This team and associated levels are designed to be of hard difficulty, requiring skill and concentration to endure heavy battle. Team Dark Version of the stages are also noticably longer than that of either Team Sonic or Team Chaotix, and drastically longer than that of Team Rose, as well as featuring many more enemies and reduced number of shortcuts.
Team Rose
Speed: Amy Rose
Flight: Cream the Rabbit and Cheese the Chao
Power: Big the Cat
Each character of Team Rose is trying to find someone important to them; Amy searches for Sonic and hopes that defeating Eggman herself will impress him. Big is once more searching for his amphibian friend, Froggy, and Cream is seeking out Cheese's lost brother, Chocola. With a picture in the newspaper of Froggy and Chocola being carried off by whom they believe to be Sonic as their only clue, the three join up to find their lost companions. This team and associated levels are designed for younger players, with shorter missions.
Team Chaotix
Speed: Espio the Chameleon
Flight: Charmy Bee
Power: Vector the Crocodile
Team Chaotix is composed of quiet, ninja-like, and disciplined Espio the Chameleon; their headstrong, music-loving leader Vector the Crocodile; and the air-headed flying ace Charmy Bee. They run their own detective agency, and receive a mysterious package with a walkie-talkie in it. A stranger gives the team instructions through this device and claims that if the job he has for them is completed, the Chaotix will be "rewarded handsomely". Espio is wary of the job, but Vector sees the opportunity to make money, and reminds him that they "never turn down work that pays".This team and associated levels provide a different experience, as most are mission-based, and are only complete when the mission target is met.
Team Super Sonic
Speed: Super Sonic
Flight: Semi-Super Tails
Power: Semi-Super Knuckles
Super sonic team fight metal overlord in the air.Who are win in this fight?

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