Shadow the Hedgehog is an anti-hero character in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, who debuted in Sonic Adventure 2, later remade in to Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. He was created by Dr. Eggman's grandfather, Gerald Robotnik, with the DNA of Black Doom, and was made to be the Ultimate Lifeform. However, after the Space Colony Ark was destroyed, which took the life of Shadow's good friend, Maria, Shadow was struck with amnesia, and attempted to destroy the Earth, believing it was Maria's request. However, after recovering much of his memory, Shadow ended up assisting Sonic in saving the Earth from the Biolizard. Shadow's somewhat rough past has made him very bitter and cold in current years, and due to this, he is capable of joining the cause of good or evil. He always ends up doing what is right in the end, however, and has grown a friendly rivalry with Sonic and Silver.
Shadow the Hedgehog is an Assist Trophy from the game Super Smash Bros. Brawl. He causes every character on the stage to temporairly slow down, excluding the user of the Assist Trophy.
Shadow was originally voiced by David Humphrey from 2001 to 2004, and was voiced by Jason Griffith in Sonic X and the games after 2005.
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